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Mural Local artist

Mountain Brother

Sergio Serrano & Alexander Stewart // 2015

Lenticular Mural
Castle Downs Park

Photo by Aspen Zettel Photography

The concept for Mountain Brother came in part form the artists’ previous collaboration entitled The Flood. In that suite of work, they explored depictions of landscape affected by information overload. For this particular iteration, they looked at ways in which we experience the landscape through new technologies. 

Lenticular printing was used to create a 3D-hologram-like” image that would recreate a shift in depth akin to what is experienced in programs like Google Street View or Google Earth. Such applications allow users to visit” a landscape from a remote location and often present an uncanny rendering of what they are supposed to represent.

In addition to this uncanniness, the landscape in this piece is artificial. The mountain range was rendered and edited from a dataset of peaks and valleys — similar, yet unrelated, to topographic altitude maps. 

The artists hope that this piece not only elicits similar feelings as some of the landscape paintings to which it alludes, but also challenges the viewers into examining how they experience the world and information around them and how it is transformed by the lens through which they see it.

Castle Downs Park
Castle Downs Park 11520 153 Ave NW
T5X 5G4