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Community Talk

Edmonton's First Winter Garden

@ Citadel Theatre // 7:00 pm

Ticketed Event

The Lee Pavilion and Tucker Amphitheatre have long been cherished as versatile public spaces in downtown Edmonton. This event envisions their transformation into Edmonton’s first winter garden — a year-round third space where downtown residents, office workers, and cultural aficionados converge to connect, create, and celebrate.

Join us for an engaging evening that explores how the Lee Pavilion can become a shining example of public space innovation, especially in a winter city. Through a series of Pecha Kucha-style presentations and a thought-provoking panel discussion, we’ll delve into why and how the Citadel Theatre’s Lee Pavilion and Tucker Amphitheatre are the perfect case study for this bold reimagining and what steps we can take to get us there. 

Each speaker will deliver a dynamic Pecha Kucha presentation that makes a bold case for reimagining public spaces. Drawing on local expertise and real-world examples, they’ll challenge conventional thinking and inspire action:

  • Designing Inner-City Parks and Open Spaces – Discover how well-designed urban parks fuel downtown vibrancy, fostering inclusivity, accessibility, and a stronger sense of community.
  • Parks and Open Spaces as Economic and Residential Catalysts – Learn how strategic public space investments attract residents, businesses, and economic growth.
  • From Plans to Reality: Creating Winter-Ready Public Spaces – Uncover the steps needed to transform cold-weather spaces into thriving, all-season destinations.
  • Lessons from Calgary’s Devonian Gardens – Explore how this urban oasis overcame challenges and what Edmonton can learn to bring the Lee Pavilion and Tucker Amphitheatre to life.

After the discussion, join us for a reception, with appetizers by Culina, where you can explore bold provocations and proposals for a pilot project, sparking conversations about the long-term vision for transforming the Lee Pavilion into Edmonton’s first winter garden. Connect, share insights, and help shape the future of this iconic space.

Citadel Theatre
9828 101A Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB
T5J 3C6
