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Virtual Free Multi-Disciplinary

Echo Beneath Surface Tension - virtual installation by Kelly Ruth

Sep 17 - Sep 19 2024

New Music Edmonton is thrilled to present Echo Beneath Surface Tension, a newly-commissioned virtual installation in Second Life by new media artist Kelly Ruth. As part of Echo Beneath Surface Tension, Kelly Ruth will be setting up a 48 hour live stream of the life of her avatar, Poppy Morris. The live stream will include a series of scheduled events, or you can tune in on YouTube at any time of day to see what Poppy is up to.

48 Hour Livestream Event Schedule

September 17 – 19

Tuesday September 17

Live stream starts at 4 PM Mountain Time

Artist Talk and Tour at 7 PM Mountain Time

Wednesday September 18

Artist Talk and Tour at 2 PM Mountain Time

Studio Meetup with Friends at 8 PM Mountain Time

Thursday September 19

Techno Brunch (Live Dj Set) at 11 AM Mountain Time

Artist Talk and Tour at 2 PM Mountain Time

Finish at 4 PM Mountain Time

To access the exhibit: Want to walk through Echo Beneath Surface Tension yourself? Think of your avatar name and set up a free account through https://​sec​ondlife​.com Once you are familiar with the basic navigation on the platform, teleport over to the exhibit address below from within the Second Life platform.


When you arrive at the exhibit there will be a series of didactics at the exhibit entrance that will tell you the settings you should use to have the best experience. If you run into an avatar named Poppy Morris when you are in the world, you have found Kelly Ruth’s avatar, talk to her!