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Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day 2024

June 20, 2024

Michelle Sound at the August 11, 2023 unveiling of "Sipikiskisiw (Remembers Far Back)."

National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21 is a time to recognize and celebrate the history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis across Canada. June 21 is also the summer solstice. An important marker for many Indigenous peoples and a time to honour the natural cycles and patterns in life and our relationships to ALL pimatisiwin – life relations that guide our many journeys, on the longest day of the year,” says Kyra Brown, EAC’s Indigenous Relations Advisor.

As we honour this special day and National Indigenous History Month, the EAC welcomes you to tour the incredible artworks by Indigenous artists in Edmonton’s Public Art Collection and to read and reflect on the recent contributions from Indigenous artists and writers to the EAC blog. 

We encourage you to check out the City of Edmonton’s Indigenous Relations Office (IRO) events listings page to discover a wealth of Indigenous arts and cultural events and activities happening in and around the city in June. You can also find Indigenous arts events on the EAC’s community arts event calendar. 

Indigenous Art in Edmonton’s Public Art Collection

Learn more about just a few of the artworks by Indigenous artists in the City of Edmonton’s Public Art Collection.

Sipikiskisiw (Remembers Far Back) by Michelle Sound // 2023
ETS shelter located at 10020 – 100 Street NW

This mural features images documenting Indigenous relation to the land in Amiskwaciwâskahikan, of an Indian Affairs Papaschase reserve survey map from 1899 and a photograph taken before 1907 of Indigenous men and tipis on the grounds of Fort Edmonton.

If the Drumming Stops by Peter Morin, Tania Willard & Cheryl L’Hirondelle // 2020
Mill Woods LRT Stop

This artwork symbolically connects transit users to stories of the Papaschase Cree territory. The artists intend to give voice to the spirit of the language, land, histories and present realities of Indigenous peoples in what has become the current neighbourhood of Mill Woods, but which was and will always be carried in the hearts of Papaschase descendants.

pehonan by Tiffany Shaw-Collinge // 2018
ᐄᓃᐤ (ÎNÎW) River Lot 11∞ 

One of six artworks in Edmonton’s Indigenous Art Park ᐄᓃᐤ (ÎNÎW) River Lot 11∞, this installation is inspired by the idea of​“pehonan” (Cree – gathering or waiting place) and the oral traditions of Indigenous people as well as the many stories told of this area. It offers a space for teaching, storytelling, or performance.

Untitled by Lloyd Pinay // 1994
Dr. Anne Anderson Park

This sculpture honours the life and work of celebrated local Métis author and teacher Dr. Anne Anderson. After undergoing a career transition for health reasons, Anderson emerged as a prolific writer/​researcher, authoring nearly 100 works on Métis history and the Cree language. After undergoing restoration, the artwork was recently reinstalled. In this video by Conor McNally, learn more about the legacy of Dr. Anne Anderson and what went into the restoration of the artwork.

These are just a few of the artworks by Indigenous artists in the City of Edmonton’s Public Art Collection. Explore the collection and learn about the other artworks by Indigenous artists.

Guest Indigenous writers on the blog

Recent additions to the EAC’s ongoing blog series by local Indigenous writers reflecting on Indigenous art and artists in Edmonton.

Navigating the River of Life: The Journey to the Indigenous Principle
by Jacquelyn Cardinal

Giving Up: A Sumo-wrestling Wild Horse Speaks of Marathons by Anna Marie Sewell

Visibility trumps Tokenization by Kisik Whiskeyjack

Interviews with Indigenous artists on the blog

Indigenous and Métis artists recently featured in the EAC’s I Am YEG Arts blog series.

AM YEG Arts — Richard Van Camp

I Am YEG Arts – Wayne Arthurson

I Am YEG Arts: Dwayne Martineau